The solo exhition Kuvatekstejä / Captions was on view 3.12.–20.12.2016 at gallery Rajatila in Tampere, Finland.
The exhibition Kuvatekstejä / Captions explores the conceptual border between image and text, questioning its meaningfulness altogether. Through working with the categories of text and image, the installation comes to consider the uncontrollability of the translations an artist is set to encounter within her work. Captions draws images through text.
The English word caption derives from the Latin capito, which can be translated as holding, seizing, or capturing. Caption is thus chasing after something that the actual image is referencing, too. The very term insinuates that both the image and its text are parallel, pointing at the same original source. They are calling the same absent, even with the same name, using only different languages. Also Captions is searching for something: it documents the artist’s yearning after ideal images – images that are just enough subversive, tentatively political, and aesthetic in a meaningful way.
Full statement in Finnish / Lehdistötiedotteeseen tästä.